An open letter to Student Switch Off

Tuesday 11-02-2020 - 13:12

An open letter from Andrei C, former resident at the UCY Student Halls, Resident Assistant and Student Switch Off Ambassador at UCY.

Andrei standing next to a SSO poster

“…Now that I pay my own utility bills, I realize that every single light being on without reason, has a huge impact on my salary and on the environment itself…”

Dear Members of UCY Student Switch Off,

You probably remember me since I was working for the University of Cyprus' Student Halls as a Resident Assistant, and at the same time I was a Student Switch Off ambassador. It has been a long time, but I wanted to share with you my story and to let you know that I didn't forget my colleagues and the great time we all had working weekly at the UCY Student Halls!

I am currently working as Technical Solution Representative for Google Cloud Platform in the heart of Barcelona, Spain. I was also sent to Google offices in Zurich, where I worked there as Google Engineer for a week. Needless to say, that me being an SSO ambassador played a major role in my career, as I was able to get more organized, responsible and proactive with anything I do in my life. Interacting with students and coordinating better living conditions for them, also helped me to organize better my search for accommodation here. I am currently in a process of building my own accommodation contract with my landlord for my new apartment, and it will please you to know that I have included some tips and advice that I saw in the monthly newsletter for House-hunting and energy-saving tips.

Besides this, I also became a very responsible person as far as energy is concerned. Now that I pay my own utility bills, I realize that every single light being on without reason, has a huge impact on my salary and on the environment itself. So now, whenever I cook, make a cup of tea, or just being in my apartment, I also think about all the activities we used to do at the UCY Student Halls to save energy. So at that point I make sure that I have the lid on the pan when I cook, only boil one cup of water when I make tea or coffee, switch off lights and unnecessary appliances in every room in the house when I leave and many more activities.

Anyway, I just wanted to say hi and say thank you for everything that you did all these years for me at the University of Cyprus Student Halls. Working with you, and the team there, was a very enlightening experience and made my stay and studies at the University of Cyprus much easier and fun! Please send my greetings to the entire team and everyone else that I had the opportunity to work with. You are an amazing team and you are going to teach those kids how to be responsible citizens.

Sending you all my love and greetings from the beautiful Barcelona, Spain! Miss you all a lot!

Kind regards,

Andrei C. Former SAVES 2 Ambassador & Residence Assistant at UCY Student Halls

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