Your hall uses energy!

Wednesday 29-11-2017 - 14:50

Article by Dave Everitt, Ecovisum


The SAVES2 dashboard measures energy consumption in your university halls and displays the results in an attractive leaderboard.

The dashboard is publicly available for anyone to view and will:

  • check your current consumption on a regular basis
  • measure current consumption against past energy use
  • display the results in an energy-savers league table

So, with a little planning (and energy saving! :)), your hall can always improve its leaderboard position!

Energy savings and increases appear on the leaderboard with the actual percentage, so you can see what your energy-saving activities have achieved:

  • savings show a green bar
  • increases show a red bar

On your mobile, visit and find your uni and add the webapp to your home screen to access it quickly without opening a web browser.

If you have any questions regarding the dashboard, please get in touch with either Dave  or Graeme.

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