The Student Switch Off campaign has come to an end for the 2017-18 academic year at the University Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski (UoS). We spent the last year working hard on the project, organizing face-to-face meetings with students living in dormitories, ensuring the campaign has good visibility (e.g through creating the Bulgarian SSO webpage), and communicating the main aims of the SAVES 2 project through various activities.
During our first-year journey we managed to have fun, whilst working on the project – creating a video, which contains several advices on how to saves energy in the dormitories, maintaining an energy dashboard, where students can see the real results of their new energy saving habits. We have also been busy with gathering feedback from students, which helped us understand the positive influence of the project on them. As part of this, students were able to sign up to our mailing list, to receive further information on the project.
UoS took part in four international meetings (between May 2017 - June 2018), which brought together organisations delivering Student Switch Off in the UK, Greece, Cyprus, Ireland, Lithuania, Romania and Bulgaria. During these meetings we exchanged ideas and experience on the campaign activities undertaken in our respective country and the results from the latter. In the last meeting held in Bucharest, Romania, we planned our future actions for the 2018-19 academic year in order to reach more students and make the SSO and SSO+ campaigns more interesting and engaging.
We are preparing very interesting surprises for you in near future, so stay tuned! :)