Just do your very best!

Tuesday 17-05-2016 - 14:00

Blog by Mariada, student in Gothenburg

Most people would participate in an energy-saving competition not only to win a prize but to challenge themselves into something meaningful as well. However, once in a while during our dorm visits we found some students that thought they were not good enough in energy saving to take part in a competition of this kind. We heard phrases like “I am the worst person on earth when it comes to saving energy, I always forget to do the right thing” or “I keep trying but I do not seem to do it right so maybe I should not compete in this”.

What do you say to that group of students? Well maybe the best thing is to remind them they have nothing to lose in at least trying to save energy and competing in Student Switch Off. All they have is to win in the sense that they contribute to a better environment, they can win prizes, they can feel proud of themselves, and maybe learn a bit more about what they could do to be better in energy-saving. From my experience the best answer is “Just do your very best!”. The reaction to that is always positive as it takes the pressure of their shoulders and they start thinking in which ways they could be more efficient and save more energy. Student Switch Off has it all all figured out and by signing to the competition you also get tips and advice on how to change your everyday habits. Does it get any better than this?

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