Having fun in Cyprus

Tuesday 15-03-2016 - 11:55

Guest article by Christina, dorm coordinator (University of Cyprus)

With the second year of the Student Switch Off campaign almost done here in Cyprus, we are excited to note that for this year as well, most of our students have lots of fun saving energy, and taking part in a number of interesting activities and Facebook photo and video competitions. Students had the chance to show their creativity and humor, by taking part in video competitions as you may see for yourselves on our Facebook Page .

Additionally, this year we are glad to see more students taking part in the program as Ambassadors, with a total number of fourteen students enrolled! Our Ambassadors are very enthusiastic, and try their best to promote the project and help our Student Switch Off team.

It is with great pleasure to see that that our overall energy consumption has been reduced more this year. This proves that students took note of the good practices of energy savings, and demonstrates that our efforts are having an impact on student behavior.

Note that, in regard to the general National Level Competition, Cyprus Residencies are ranked very high on the list!! This is indeed amazing, and its motivation for us to try our best, so that these results are even better the following year!

We are now excited to plan our big party for the winning building in May, and have a great time with our students and ambassadors!


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